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Professional Courses in Computer Programming Languages

Professional Courses

This course is registered under C.R. Act of Ministry of HRD (Dept. of Secondary & Higher Education) Govt. of India


Duration 45 Days

  • Visual Basic IDE
  • Forms
  • Variables
  • Menus
  • Controls
  • Common Dialog Box
  • ActiveX Controls
  • File Haldling
  • Data Base Programming

JAVA  Code-R10604

Duration 45 Days

  • Introduction to JAVA
  • Classes & Objects
  • Inheritance
  • Packages & Interface
  • Exception Handling
  • Multithreaded
  • Programming
  • Applets

ORACLE  Code-R10605

Duration 3 Months

  • Table
  • Database
  • Views
  • Procedure
  • Trigger
  • Cursor

C++ Code-R10601

Duration 45 Days

  • Overview of C++
  • Classes & Object
  • Arrays, Pointers, References & dyanmic allocation operators
  • Constructor & Desctructors
  • Function Overloading
  • Operator Overlaoding
  • Virtual Funtion
  • Pure Virtual Function
  • Abstract Class
  • File Handling

C-Language Code-R10602

Duration 45 Days

  • Overview of C
  • Variable Constant & Operation
  • Arrays, Pointers, Function
  • Structure & Union
  • File
  • The Pre Process

.Net Tech. Code- R10609

Duration 3 Months

  • .Net Framework
  • Visual Basic.Net
  • SQL Server

AutoCAD Code-R10608

Duration 3 Months

  • Introduction
  • Customizing AutoCAD
  • Creating Drawing Using Wizards
  • Using Tools

PHP Code- R10610

Duration 3 Months

  • PHP Basics
  • PHP Advanced
  • MYSQL Database
  • PHP & AJAX

Tally Code- R10607

Duration 2 Months

  • Indroduction
  • Accounting System
  • Creating Accounts & Inventory Master
  • VAT, TDS, Service Tax

D.T.P. Code- R10606

Duration 2 Months

  • Page Maker
  • Photo Shop
  • Corel Draw
  • Scanning

Note:- Tution Fees will be Charged Extra as per Courses & Duration

+91 9389854474

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