Rajeev Gandhi Computer Saksharta Mission has been registered under the Society & Public Trust Act 21,1860,(Reg. No. S/47172) & Public Charitable Trust Act 1882 under section 17 vide Reg. No. 4286/IV from Govt. of India N.C.T., Delhi, working in different fields of Programme & Commercial training conducted by the State Government & Central Government to approach every class of the society. Society is also certified by ISO 9001 : 2008 Org. RGCSM is also associated with UP Electronic Corporation Ltd. (UPLC), Planning Commission of Govt. of India, National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) of Govt. of India, New Delhi, National Skill Development Authority (NSDA) Govt. of India, New Delhi, Retailers Association Skill Council of India (RASCI), Mumbai, Telecom Sector Skill Council of India (TSSC), New Delhi, Banking, Financial services and Insurance Sector Skill Council of India (BFSISSC), New Delhi, National Digital Literacy Mission (NDLM), Tata Consultancy Services (TCS-ION), West Bengal State Rural Development Agency (WBSRDA). Rajeev Gandhi Computer Saksharta Mission provides training related to Computer Software, Hardware & Networking, Accounts, IT and ITES, Skill Development and different other sectors.
Since 20 years success, conducting various commercial training and Skill Development programs. RGCSM is working across whole nation with almost 2500 Authorized Study Center (ASC) and a wide network in 22 states of the country. Our society decided to work for “Information & Technology for all”, the slogan by the Indian Govt. For formulating the dream of Indian Govt. and to fulfill the requirement of employment of 22 Lac in I.T. Technologist and more than other 10 Lac ancillary requirement of computer operator / specialist in industrial development, small scale industries, our society makes an important role in the mission “Rajeev Gandhi Computer Saksharta Mission”. Because the former Prime Minister Late Sh. Rajeev Gandhi was the introducer of computer revolution all over India, the mission is added by their name.
The main function of the society is to provide higher technical education in nominal charges for every group of society of Urban & Rural areas all over India and get success in computer revolution which is the main dream of Indian Govt.
In present time, some big Institution run their one-year or more than one-year programme in higher charges. Due to which the middle class families of our societies cannot afford the load of their charges.
Our mission studied their theme properly and decided to provide better higher technical education in computer making a foundation of “Rajeev Gandhi Computer Saksharta Mission”. This mission is run by the “Shri Rajeev Gandhi Computer Saksharta Society” all over India.
Awards & Certificate

Marksheets and Certificates issued by RACSM can be registered in Every Employment Exchange of India.